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Trusting God in Adversity

As I read from 1 Samuel, 14:6 stood out for me. I have said and known that all that I have and all that I am is contributed to the Most High.
In this scripture, while Saul and the Israelites are battling the Philistines, Jonathan decided to go along with his young armor-bearer into battle without any other man. "...For there is nothing to prevent the LORD from saving, whether by many or few". 

Jonathan is spoken of often, but it is usually in his loyalty and brotherly love for David. Rarely do we hear of his courage. Or the strength of the bond they shared. Their trust in the LORD! 

I can relate to this because throughout my life, when even as a nurse, I would ask an associate for assistance, there would be many times where they would reply, "Okay, just a minute" and then go on talking as if I wasn't there. Times where some would just not acknowledge me at all. Immediately, the Spirit would say, "You don't have to wait on them we will figure it out"! He knew their hearts. 

I already knew that He had the answer, but it was a virtue that He was building in me. And "we" were always successful. Some would look dumbfounded as if they couldn't believe that I solved it without them. It was His guidance. 

The Lord's Direction and Who He Sends

Even now, as I am in the early stages of really focusing on our business, the LORD would send those to help build a foundation but when it was clear that they were in my life for a season and thought that their leaving or refusing to help me would hinder our creation, or their willingness to burden me financially, God spoke to me, "Don't worry about it. We will do this together".
Anyone who has worked alone and knows that God is always working for our good can relate. 

Why I am so in awe of the Holy Spirit, is that He chose me! This is a collaborative effort between Him and me.
It is scary and it can be frustrating, but He is never futile, nor will He cease to function like mere men. A pivotal statement spoken to me by the Spirit, "Take it slow." 

So, I want to encourage those who, like myself, don't have a plethora of resources at any given time, as RC Blake's put it, I have THE Source.
This is not to say that you will never work with others to establish his Word, because as the vision grows so will the good measures that come with it. As I hear often, "A man's gift maketh room for him (Proverbs 18:16, KJV).

Not Everyone Can Go

It is wisdom to know that not everyone is ordained to go where the LORD is taking you. To keep you grounded. Because it is He who was there with you from the beginning.
There is no need to feel lonely, upset, or abandoned because, with God, all things are possible. 

So, I will close with two of my favorite verses. Please consider this in not only the great but small matters: 

Then the LORD answered me and said, "Write the vision, and engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets, so that the one who reads it will run. For the vision is yet for an appointed [future] time. It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail. Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, because it will certainly come; it will not delay." (Habakkuk 2: 2-3 AMP) 

The Revelation

I say that to say this, when you trust God for your "Ordained" purpose in life and are obedient to His Spirit, even when the steps seem insignificant. Don't run ahead, nor get discouraged. He will bring it to fruition in due time!!! 

I will add that as I read further, Jonathan's armor bearer trusted him and his decisions. He was faithful and they were victorious. And lastly, their enemies feared them and trembled. This was of God!!! He will make your enemies fear you. (No carnal weapons or words from you are needed.)
Your enemies may not fear where you are, but they dread who they see you can become and the heights that you will attain in the LORD. (1 Samuel 14: 13-15) 


Always coming from a place of love!!!

Originally written on March 24, 2022.

Benevolent Woman


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