Rewarding Faithfulness When the LORD was about to take Elijah up, Elisha was there by his side. Although I am unaware of the actual distance, what the LORD is imparting in my spirit is Elisha's faithfulness. Stop and think of what he would have lost if he decided to stay when Elijah told him to. Instead of following him. Elisha knew that Elijah would be taken from him. God in His mercy made sure that Elisha was aware. From Bethel to Jericho, to the Jordan, the prophets and sons foretold what Elisha already knew. Persistence is Key If either Elisha or Ruth had given up, they would never have received the supernatural unction that was being prepared for them. So let me give you one more example to drive this point home. Remember when Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the LORD? He refused to let go until the LORD blessed him. Even when Jacob's hip was dislocated, he refused to give up. I repeat that walking with the LORD can be difficult. For to whom much is given, more is requir...