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When you know! But you don't!

Years ago, God spoke to me as He has to others. "You're going to do something big for me!" I have yet to realize it, but I know in my heart that it is true. The spiritual warfare that I am in makes it clear.

Know that when you have a calling on your life, the devil fears you. I have prayed and am aware that there is a powerful anointing on my words. Spoken and written.

Aware that with this realization, the average person, including family, friends, frenemies, and some strangers may not support you and may even despise you.
It is why people look at you a certain way and are backbiters and gossipers. Full of jealousy and envy.

Fear Not, For I am With You

For this purpose, God gave me this Word long ago. "Behold, I have made your face as hard (strong) as their faces and your forehead as hard (strong) as their foreheads. I have made your forehead like emery (diamond), harder than flint. Do not be afraid of them or be dismayed (at their looks) before them, though they are a rebellious house" (Ezekiel 3: 8-9)

When you read further, Ezekiel was appointed a "watchman". It was up to him to warn the people. The price of not being obedient is that he would be held responsible for their souls. Some people cannot fathom this type of responsibility. It scares me. But when he warned them, it was up to them to hear or forebear.

This is why the enemy will attempt to use people to make you feel irrelevant. What you and I must recognize is that most of the people that he uses are broken, fragile, people that are unwilling or not yet in a place to start the process of healing.

Hurt People Hurt People

What I told myself today is that it would be foolish of me to allow a "broken" man or woman to break me. It is an oxymoron if I have ever heard of one. So, get it inside yourselves from whence your help will come.

I also prayed, well really talked to the LORD according to what was in my spirit. Acknowledging that I don't need a large following. But one or two loyal, faithful, and supportive friends who love the LORD with all their hearts. Who is willing to be obedient and content in God's will and how we are empowered to assist one another in the purpose, mission, and vision that we are given.

Keep Some Things Between You and God

I became keenly aware that we have to watch what we say out loud even in these moments of intimacy. Because the enemy is also listening. This is why, depending on the conversation, Jesus admonishes us to go into a closet and shut the door, praying in secret. And our Father which seeth in secret will reward us openly (Matthew 6:6).

We must diligently seek out the truth and what is of God, because the devil may also answer prayers. Cunningly and at a counterfeit level.  For a dire price!

What God tells you will come to pass through obedience and hard work. Note that in Ezekiel 3:15, he sat among the exiles in astonishment for seven days from the vision and the work that was before him! It took him seven days to grasp the momentum of the tasks that God had set before him!

Finally, as you wonder, when is it going to happen? Some men like David and Joseph waited years to see the promise manifested. Even Abraham died not seeing but still believing.

When the Spirit Speaks the Unfathomable

I titled this "When you know but you don't" because God can speak to you clearly and the flesh cannot comprehend what the Spirit is saying.
Even though David was anointed king years earlier. Well aware of the promises. In 1 Chronicles 14:1-2, it stated that after the king of Tyre sent messengers to David with the tools, equipment, and people to build the palace for him, it was then that he understood that the LORD had established and confirmed His Word.

This week was a glaring reminder of the lengths that the enemy will go to to keep you isolated. He knows the blessings of joining with even one like-minded person. Especially in a Godly relationship.

It is written that one can put a thousand to flight. And two, ten thousand to flight. That is powerful.

The Revelation

So, I will say this. Those whom God has for you must have integrity and moral courage and character. Because the devil is crafty and anyone that will allow petty, vindictive individuals to influence their feelings for you are not worthy of you and it is not God-ordained.

If they don't have that agape love for you, then they have not been sent by God. Because it takes a strong individual to handle what comes with someone who is anointed by Spirit. Because this war is incessant.

So let me ask you. What has God promised you?!!

Always coming from a place of love!!!

Originally written on July 01, 2022.

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