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Depression is serious. It psychologically torments you. The will to live is weak. And you sleep so that you can escape the harsh realities of life.

But I warn you that it is not of God. Because there is no faith or trust in attempting to avoid or ignore trials and tribulations.

But I empathize with why Job cursed the day he was born. As I have done.

This spirit doesn’t work alone and is accompanied, in most cases by a self-harming or suicidal force. Even such as self-pity and self-destruction working together.

Here is the warning. "Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation" (Matthew 12: 45, KJV).

Read or watch in its entirety at Benevolent Woman


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