The Expectation is High!!!
As we enter into chapter 33, the Book of Numbers details the journeys of the children of Israel. With a deeper understanding of the LORD's meticulousness and His expectations. It is something that He wants to make clear to His people and anyone drawn to read, watch, and/or listen to this.
I have read this chapter over a few days without knowing what the premise would be. This morning, I prayed for guidance and received an immediate answer from the Holy Spirit.
It is a confirmation of what was recently spoken of through His prophet Celestial of “The Masters Voice Prophecy Blog”. "The bar is set very high". Let me put my personal opinion here. Having expressed before how that in this time people are very quick to disrespect the office of the prophet.
I often think of how fearful it is to see and hear the things that His prophets have seen and heard. The darkness that the LORD reveals to them. I love the LORD with all my heart, mind, body, and soul. Knowing for a fact that I could not handle seeing the gravity of the prophecies that are shown to her. But I believe them, and I don’t doubt a single word...
I watched an episode of a documentary about a young man whose friends convinced him to go to a party. He did not feel right about the situation and felt that he should not go. His friend admitted that he used “peer pressure” to persuade him. This young man was even told by his mother that he should go and enjoy himself. He was kicked, stomped, and beaten to death. Although many witnesses testified that he did nothing to provoke the incident. He is not responsible for the heinous egregious acts of others. God is always just!
Even as I blamed his friends for encouraging him to go the Holy Spirit spoke to me: “This young man clearly heard the warning, but he chose to obey man rather than God”. The others are tortured by reliving their parts in this tragedy even now. However, accountability will always lie with each individual. To add emphasis, he was just eighteen years old.
Read, listen, and/or watch at Benevolent Woman
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