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The Moves of The Spiritually Blind!!!

  The Moves of The Spiritually Blind!!! As we enter the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses begins by giving Israel a recap of their circumstances. As it is written, the Israelites had wandered in the wilderness for forty years. I want to confirm how deeply spiritual darkness can affect you when you refuse to be led by the Holy Spirit and through willful acts of disobedience. I used to watch paranormal movies all the time. It was one of my favorite genres. What I have learned from Celestial of “The Master’s Voice Prophecy Blog” is that many things that are portrayed on television depicts truths as Satan sets forth his plans for his “One World Order” or “Beast System”. In many paranormal scenarios, people would attempt to get out of a house, building, or forest, only to end up right back where they started. With no means of escape. It was a vicious cycle that left them either dead or lost forever in the abyss of darkness and despair. A bottomless pit of evil spirits and the underworld. The I...
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The Impartiality of The LORD!!!

  The Impartiality of the LORD!!! The last chapter in the Book of Numbers expounds upon the righteousness of the LORD and the boundaries that He has put in place. As natural disasters consume more land, there will come a time when the government also begins to remove lands and private property from individuals forcibly. The prognostication made in a video produced by the World Economic Forum, founded by Klaus Schwab, is the phrase “You will own nothing and be happy”. Their mission: “We bring together government, businesses, and civil society to improve the state of the world”. If you go to their “Leadership and Governance” page you will see a very broad and diverse group of influential leaders, including the CEO of BlackRock, former president Al Gore, and many others from around the world with very impressive credentials, according to the standards of men. With all of this “knowledge” in one place, and all the wealthy, elite leaders of the world, consider the true intended conseque...

Stay in The Secret Place!!!

 Stay in The Secret Place!!! I want to revisit the significance of the scriptures just referenced. The Levites were set apart. Their duties included the care of the tabernacle. This was arduous, rigorously grueling. Remember that whenever the Israelites stayed in a place, whether as long as one night, or for a year, the Levites broke down the tabernacle prior to leaving and went ahead of the Israelites to set it back up upon their arrival at their next destination. Upon research it is confirmed that the Levites' inheritance is spiritual, and not material. Their roles were substantially significant. Being notably and nobly exalted, as God was their inheritance. Preeminent to true believers being a royal priesthood. Their faith needed to be integral as they literally depended on God for all of their needs. “Then the LORD spoke to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan [across from] Jericho, saying, ‘Command the Israelites to give to the Levites cities to live in from the inheritan...

In Every Aspect of Life!!!

 In Every Aspect of Life!!! As we continue into chapter 34 of the Book of Numbers, I need you to understand the depth of involvement God desires in even the most insignificant part of our lives. (That is to us.) There is an acronym for the word BIBLE. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. And although there is nothing basic about our LORD and Saviour, if you have an intimate relationship with Him. You know that He guides you in even the smallest things. “Every good thing and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens], in whom there is no variation [no rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [for He is perfect and never changes]” (James 1: 17, AMP). We would do well to understand His love and His knowledge of what is good for us and what can harm us, potentially leading to death. An unrepentant heart with all unrighteousness is sin. A deliberate rejection of God. We are warned not to even pray for ...

The Bar is Set Higher Than Many Think!!!

  The Expectation is High!!! As we enter into chapter 33, the Book of Numbers details the journeys of the children of Israel. With a deeper understanding of the LORD's meticulousness and His expectations. It is something that He wants to make clear to His people and anyone drawn to read, watch, and/or listen to this. I have read this chapter over a few days without knowing what the premise would be. This morning, I prayed for guidance and received an immediate answer from the Holy Spirit. It is a confirmation of what was recently spoken of through His prophet Celestial of “The Masters Voice Prophecy Blog”. "The bar is set very high". Let me put my personal opinion here. Having expressed before how that in this time people are very quick to disrespect the office of the prophet. I often think of how fearful it is to see and hear the things that His prophets have seen and heard. The darkness that the LORD reveals to them. I love the LORD with all my heart, mind, body, and so...

Be Malleable in The LORD!!!

  Be Malleable in The LORD!!! “We will not return unto our houses, until the children of Israel have inherited every man his inheritance. For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Jordan, or forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward” (Numbers 32: 16-19, KJV). These men held the LORD in such high esteem and trust that they were willing to leave their wives and children and all that they had to help their brothers claim their rightful inheritance. I want you to remember that this is the land of the Nephilim. They intended to build the walled cities because they were not fully wiped out. Trust in the LORD is vital, because what refuge can mere men build that would protect them from the sons of fallen angels and women. And even when these giants died, they became demons roaming in the earth. Think on this with the times that we are in. “And Moses said unto them, If ye will do this thing, if ye will go armed before the LORD to war, and will go ...

Walk in Your Integrity!!!

  Walk in Your Integrity!!! They were then given in marriage to these same men. Looking into their faces as they relived these horrors daily. Even as they were intimate with them. In every morsel of food that they ate. Seeing their valuables when they were forced to worship a God that they did not care to know. As they watched their captors wearing their items and those of their lost loved ones on their bodies, and whomever they chose to give them too. How were their wives and daughters supposed to feel about these foreign women being brought into their homes? Did they think that gifts should appease them, as they desire these other women? What type of example is this setting for their own children, including their sons? As these women may have felt rejected, made to feel less than. To think that these other women could ever truly love them is asinine. But this curse is two-fold, as our people were sent into slavery throughout our history as a people. Whose lands were taken from th...